Spooky Foot Prints

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Supplies Used: Acrylic Paint, Glitter, Canvas Panels, Acrylic Paint Marker, Ribbon, Wiggle Eyes, Yes Paste, Hot Glue and Hot Glue Gun.
Directions- Start off by painting your 2 of your canvas panels black, once dry take a pen cap or soda pop cap (anything round) and dip it into your orange paint to make circles on one of your panels. Once that is dry you can make your foot prints on all three canvases (if you want to add glitter do this while the paint it still wet), when paint drys you can decorate the footprints and add embellishments. I used yes paste to adhere my ribbon to the sides of the canvas and then hot glued the canvases together with ribbon separating them along with making the top loop.

All of these fun footprints I have seen done a million time but they are just so much fun we had to create our own versions. The Witches I found HERE I also found the original idea for the Frankenstein footprints from HERE but could never find the source to it.








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