Super Blood Wolf Moon 2019

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Super Blood Wolf Moon 2019:

When is a good time to see the 2019 Lunar Eclipse?

The only total lunar eclipse for 2019 will be able to be seen for approximately one hour between Sunday, January 20 and Monday, January 21 in North and South America, Europe and western Africa. In addition to this parts of Central and eastern Africa along with Asia will see a partial eclipse of the Moon. This is the only total lunar eclipse that will be taking place in the next two and a half years, not to be seen again until May 26, 2021 that is if you live in certain parts of the world, some will not be able to see it until 2022.

The total lunar eclipse is when the moon passes through Earth’s shadow creating the moon turn a blood red in color. This will occur tonight when the moon is near its closest point to the earth which is why some may call it a “super moon,” also since a full moon in the month of January is a known as a “Wolf Moon,” thus giving tonight’s moon a title of a Super Blood Wolf Moon.

To see what time it will be visible from your location, just enter your city and state HERE

Here are key events for the total lunar eclipse on January 20–21, 2019.
Leah Tiscione / Sky & Telescope

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