Owl Easter Basket

owl Easter basket smm

Owl Easter Basket


  1. Easter Basket (desired color)
  2. Craft felt (desired colors for eyes and wings) (Orange and Yellow for beak and feet)
  3. Craft Feathers (desired colors)
  4. Large wiggle eyes
  5. Glue
  6. Scissors
  7. Large flower
  8. Misc. Embellishments
  9. Basket filler
  10. Easter basket items  ( owl kids toys, Easter egg toys, Easter Candy, ect) 


  1. Glue Large wiggle eyes to desired color of felt
  2. Cut out around wiggle eyes (see example picture)
  3. Cut out orange beak, glue just under eyes
  4. Glue feathers to back of eyes
  5. Glue entire piece to the front top of the basket 
  6. Cut out 2 wings from felt and glue to each side of eyes on basket (for the shape of the wings I cut out a large Heart from felt and then cut down the center for each wing)
  7. Cut out 2 each feet from yellow felt and glue to the bottom front half of the basket
  8. Glue a large flower next to eyes on one side 
  9. Add basket filler
  10. Add misc. Easter items ( owl kids toys, Easter egg toys, Easter Candy, ect) 


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